Thursday, September 20, 2012

Days Gone By

I wonder of days gone by, 
Of clear skies and vast rice fields.
The smell of summer hay and sweat,
Of runs, rubbers and mangoes.

I wonder of days gone by,
Of water lilies and streets.
The full moon and candle lights,
Of kites, water guns and brooks.

I wonder of days gone by,
Of colored pens and bed time books.
The Jack and the Bean Stalk and goofs,
Of good night kisses, hugs and tickles.

I wonder of days gone by,
Of magic coins and slipper games. 
The playhouses built and burned,
Of wounded knees, dirty toes and crappy clothes.

I wonder of days gone by,
Of dressing dolls and paper planes.
The Jack's Stone, pogs and marbles,
Of floaters, hide and seek and dancing balls.

I wonder of days gone by, 
Of all the games I played thereby.
The laughter-filled days and nights,
Of guitar strings and close ties.

I wonder of days gone by,
Those days.
I keep wondering,
How they have gone by.  

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