Sunday, January 19, 2014

10 Types of Women Your Momma Warned You About

Do you remember when you were a kid, your mom told you about not going with a certain girl friend because she might just cut your Barbie’s head or ruin your doll’s dress? As for guys, do you remember your mom showing her dislikes to the girl you just brought home? She has her reasons! Good reasons. Well, if you did not head to your momma’s advice, I bet you discovered two things: 1. Your momma was right after all (not that your friend ruined your Barbie, but, she sure did ruin your future) and 2. You end up with zero bank balance.

Here are the types of women you should stop being with, or be warned about.

1.       The Barbie Thief – You always have that one girlfriend who seems to be so envious of what you have. Whether you have a new dress, a new doll house, or new pair of shoes, she can’t seem to be happy that you are happy with what you have. You know why? Because she wants all those same things that you have. You know what that means? Let’s say, you have a pretty boyfriend, she has seen him, now what? She’s gonna steal your boyfriend!

2.       The Drunken Party-goer – There is no problem with going to parties IF you are going out with the right set of friends. This type of woman should be kept in her bag the moment she empties her 3rd shot of vodka tonic. You definitely don’t want to see her going on top of the bar, dancing her way on her heels when she’s wearing a skimpy skirt, and thongs underneath. Too much having of a good time? It will cost you a lot! Worst, might end up in jail for damaging a property or breaking somebody else’s car windows at the parking lot after she puked the last strand of pasta she had for dinner. Zip up and head your way home!

3.       The Bankrupt – It’s not all the time that we have cash, right? But it’s also not always that we ran out of it. Hey, guess what? You always have this one girl friend who keeps announcing to you that she has no money. Yes, you can lend some, but not all the time especially if she hasn’t paid the last credit, yet. Girlfriend, she’s not your responsibility. Don’t let money issues get in the way of your friendship. Do not tolerate it and the best thing you should do is to give her a wise financial advice. Be honest. What are friends for anyway?

4.       The Banker While you have a bankrupt friend, you might also have this type – the banker. She is that kind who will go knocking at your door in the wee hours of the night, wanting to party, or lounge at this expensive and famous restaurant or bar in your area—all expense paid! But wait, seriously? Remember that saying, I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine? Here’s the deal, the moment she gets the bill and paid everything, the next time, she knocks on your door, whether you are doing your laundry, or busy with school projects, you will never be able to say no. Why not? Because, she paid you to spend your time with her, and you can’t be sick all the time!

5.       The Closet Raider – You probably have an idea about this type of woman. She calls in; speak about a date, and the distress of finding the right dress for it. What can you do? She is a friend and you happen to have a truckload of very nice dresses to lend her. So, she walks in carrying her knap sack and she exclaims in so much anticipation when she gets hold of your Zara lacey dress. Oh well, don’t expect it will be returned, but she will! She just doesn’t run out of dates, and you, my friend, have just been raided!

6.       The Material Girl – This is very common to be encountered by a guy who happens to lounge a lot in bars. This girl arrives in shiny and shimmering skimpy clothes, wearing her 3-inch jimmy shoes, and her Gucci purse. One look and you see the girl of your dreams. Well, she is—if you mean, physically. She works out a lot, and she sure have a gym membership card. She also, by the way, owns at least three credit cards, all of which, almost dried up for apparels. And here’s the deal, once she sees you in your leather Aldo shoes, and Patek Philippe watch, you’ll get her sweetest smile. Next thing you know, you are buying her a drink. I wish to tell you that you did not end up hooking up with her, but of course you know how this will end. What better way to swoon your perfect glittering girl than treating her to shopping using your credit cards! Oh boy, if it would make you feel better, you were also her man of his dreams, until the credit companies go after you though!

7.       The Daddy’s Girl – Guys, listen up! Now this type of girl, you sure want to care for. She comes really vulnerable and family oriented, I must say. It’s not that being so is bad. It’s just that, you simply don’t want to end up bringing her balloons, or donuts, or pizzas, every time she feels bad about her cat. Because you know why? You’ll end up explaining to her daddy! Every detail of your relationship, her daddy’s the first to know. That would be so awkward, right? Do not wait for the time you sit beside her daddy in their dining table being caught up with this question from him: so, you want to have sex with my daughter? *arms pounding on the table*

8.       The Rebel – Are you the type of guy who always ends up with the rebel girl? What more fun can you get than spending time with a girl who also knows how to have fun, amiright? But here is the thing, once you get so comfortable with her, knowing, or feeling that you are of the same wavelength, you get so hooked up with her company that whatever she wants to do (out of the blue), whether she wants to trek on the Andes Mountains, or run with the leopards in South Africa, you can barely say no. It’s refreshing, her company, yes, but do you really want to when she also, wants to do drugs? Careful there, now. You don’t wanna spend Christmas in jail, trust me!

9.       The “One of the Boys” – You got off the hook when you fall for this kind of woman. By ‘you got off the hook’; I mean that you got away from the monotony of your boring life. You suddenly acquired a best friend in her. She is always on the go and she easily gets along with y’all boys. She can even become the President of a boys’ club. However, one thing you should be warned about her. You might want to dig deeper into her personality or you’ll regret not doing so and knowing in the end that your girl, happens to be a lesbian –in your face!

10.   The Dreamer – ‘What is your dream wedding?’ ‘What is your dream house?’ Scared yet? There’s your dreamer girl’s dreamy questions. These are questions you might want to ponder on. But, they can get you really scared if there never comes a day she hasn’t stopped asking about them. Your dreamer dreams a lot she hangs herself in illusion. Someone who is not in touch with her real world is either a psychopath or a bipolar bi*ch. You better be careful. Next thing you know she’s asking you to fly with her to Neverland!

PS: If you haven’t read the previous post yet about the guys you need to be warned about, here’s the link.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

10 Signs You Need to Ditch Your Boyfriend

Personally, I don’t need 10 signs to figure out whether a guy needs to be dumped or to be kept. I’ve had my fair share of ass*les, I can smell their kind in an earshot.

For start-ups and those playing it-will-only-happen-once-he’ll-eventually-change kinds, here’s your guide to either call it off, or push through and pull the trigger yourself. You can thank me later! *wink*

#1 When he made you wait because he needs to like another girl’s photo on Facebook. Admit it; you want to stab your guy the moment you see him liking a sexy girl’s photo. Worse, when he made you wait because of it. Just as when it almost took you forever to dress up and blow your hair, that’s how easy for him to neglect the efforts. Simple things can mean a lot and you cannot just let go of what seems to be the basic. Ever heard about the word, ‘nourish’? Then maybe I should remind you that you need to nourish your relationship, not your social media relations with any random girl who shows off her cleavage on Facebook!

#2 When he visits you in your house, drunk. Respect begets respect. A guy who visits your house while intoxicated is a guy who always has the lame excuse, “Because I want to see you.”  Truth: he just needed some place to stay while he’s trying to sober up. He’ll never let his mother see him drunk, or next Friday’s gonna be busted!

#3 When you were at your cuddle moments and he mistakenly calls you by another endearment. When honey becomes sweet, nothing can be more aggravating than that! Oh boy! I don’t even have to say anything further. Put on some red lipstick girl, and leave!

#4 When he name calls his mom in your presence. Who doesn’t love their moms? They’re the most beautiful people on earth. The life they breathe, they gave to you. Nine months is too long to carry a child in a mother’s womb, kindness should be a payback! You’re a hard labor! Now, if your boyfriend can’t be grateful for his mom, imagine a marriage life with him. I’d bet my life on it that he will do the same to your mom. Can you stand it?

#5 When he leaves you while you’re burning with fever. Here, admit exceptional circumstances. But when a guy leaves you despite your fever because he promised his friends they will have a good drinking spree, I’m sorry to break this up with you girl, but you don’t matter to him. If you do, he should have stayed because that is the most logical thing to do.

#6 When he wants you to find a job so you can buy him stuff. Sound crazy? There are guys who don’t want to sweat and work to buy the things they want, especially when they can manipulate their girl to find work for the both of them. This type will be the first to ask a fraction from your salary “because that’s how a relationship should work,” according to them. It should be a give and take relationship, that’s what they say. Now come to think of it, what have you actually received from him?

#7 When he tags you along with his friends to bars so you get to pay their drinks. “Aww, hon, but my friends want to meet you!” Screw it. How many times did he say that to you when all the while he just wants to tag you along to the bars he and his friends want to hop on so someone sober enough has to pay! Girlfriend, you’re no Automated Teller Machine. Here’s the common trick they’ll do: when it’s bill time, he’ll drop his head unto your shoulders, try to kiss your neckline, and whispers, “Hon, I’m so drunk.” Truth: No drunk will ever say that he is drunk! Oh wait, did he also tell you he’ll pay you back when you reach home?

#8 When he’s playing jealous over your girlfriends all the time. Jealousy often spices up the relationship. Sometimes, it’s nice to feel your partner is getting jealous over someone because it makes you feel like you matter so much he doesn’t want you for someone else. But, getting jealous over your girlfriends is totally irrational. You need to avoid that kind of guy who wants you all for himself and who draws you away from the people who truly loves you. That is unfair and selfish. You have to remind yourself, who stayed and who left. Your girlfriends are your constant stars when your night gets cold and dark.

#9 When he’s making you lie to your parents. Let’s not be perfect. We will never run out of lies which we often label as ‘white lies’. However, when he constantly makes you lie especially to your parents, be watchful of the signs of Lord Voldemort. It’s not going to make you feel better in the long run regardless your consent thereto.  And you know what, your parents will always know. Trust me. Don’t allow him to turn you into a lying daughter just to be a girlfriend to him.

#10 When he verbally abuses you. You think a single instance where he snarls at you a big F**k You, Go to H***, M**therf***r, Sl*t, @#$%! with feelings (according to my girlfriend), and you think that’s forgivable. Truth: you are allowing yourself to be abused. Some girls get so fragile whenever a man raises his voice. While you don’t have to counter a hot head, it definitely doesn’t give your guy the permission to verbally abuse you as well. Abuse manifests in different forms. Often, by words, later on, physical. Would you wait for that moment you’ll report him to the police? Would you even report him?

If you’ve been seeing these signs at an early stage of your relationship, you better ask yourself: is this the kind of man I want to spend the rest of my life with?

The decision is yours.

How about you? Are you seeing other signs?

P.S. Check out my next blog about the girls your momma warned you about.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Filipino Dreamer

                                                                                                                                          January 18, 2013

Republic of the Philippines
Mother of the Orient Pearl
Home of Heroes and Dreams

My Dearest Philippines,

Pardon my insufficiency for words of appreciation but I grieve to see how ruined you have become by your own people. The centuries-old fortified dream towards democracy momentarily and scantly liberates your people from the feudal lords of yesteryears. There have been many documented legends of your rise and fall, even heroism untold all for the love of untying your people's hands from religious land-grabbers whose whips forced you to kneel down and pray before the Crown. Fathers and sons, anguished and bootless cries of mothers who lost both; what any man cannot withstand any wound, no matter how mortal, inflicted upon them, should they lost not only their legacy to the land where generations spring from but to whose womb of an all-loving mother, a child breathes the air of life?

And after all the years of fighting for freedom, there came the white acclaimed heroes who dug their claws into the golden Crown, ditching it and put all illusions to rest, again, momentarily in the guise of independence and democracy. The Republic of the Philippines, that's how you are called today.

What if you have achieved true democracy?
What if you become the first world?
And... what if you failed to dream?

What if?

Whoever said that democracy today, in the facade of independence and the Republic label has been truthfully achieved, is a dyslexic moron. There is no democracy in a promise land when the 'few' ruling Elites continue to control the crux, that is the bread, of the working class or masses comprising, sadly, the 'majority' without taking the honest efforts of bridging the adverse economic disparities. My dear Philippines, before you were promised freedom, you were already bound to another knot; bound to enter another shithole, another nightmare. What the holders of super powers say, Philippines do. Every yard or inch of freedom you claim to have enjoyed now emanates from another, not from your people whom your Constitution regards as sovereign, but from those who pushed you to frame the same; a duplication of what they originally have!

Of course, you did not have much choice. Or if you had, you are restrained to fully exercise it because you are not dominant enough, nor free enough, and not liberated enough to do so. You are hanged by your own ropes of free dreams and oppressive realities.

On the brighter context, Republicanism has triggered the hope of your dear countrymen, from forgotten generations, to the newlyborns of today, to dream even more, to seek more and to willingly die for more. But Filipinos dream for all the wrong reasons. And now I understand the sadness in your eyes. Your beloved people never dared to wake up from their dreams and face what is real. They continue to die for many dreams which are either forgotten or killed. And the dreams of yesterday are the same dreams they bear today.

I too, am lost in translation somewhere in between my rich, brute history and my undoubtedly cloudy Philippine future. Like all others, I also dream. But behold! If such appeal to your pride, I was able to wake up from these dreams. I have seen you bleed over and over. My heart sunk to witness repeated violence and lawlessness directed upon you. For the countless degradation and mockery of your being, I bled of tears. And the worst part which shattered my heart is your beloved people, whom you believed and trusted to raise the freedom flag high with dignity, all takes part in a conspiracy to strip off the thin thread of hope towards liberation that the 'majority' anchors their hope upon.

Freedom becomes scarce, I must say. And the competition to get the last of its piece gets tighter, day by day. The ladder of dreams gets higher and waning; unreachable by those who are debunked but a wink of an eye for the reigning cronies of our dreaded past. This has to go on for a long while, I suppose. And should we choose to forget who wounded us before, maybe, I must say, nay, I am sure, we shall also forget who we truly are... Filipinos in our own being, all the more worthy to die for!

But I still look up to the day the rays of your oriental sun dawns upon your people with so much hope and love; that may the waves of the Pacific never cease to calm their distraught souls; that the Palawan pearls continue to gleam for the promise of elevation; that these hundred islands of your archipelago shall never be a factor to divide your people the more; that someday, someday, someday, if that day shall ever come, moonlights shall never go pale because true freedom has been enjoyed.

                                                                                                                             With all my love and hope,

                                                                                                                               Your Filipino Dreamer

Saturday, January 05, 2013

High-ly Confessions

“All I could remember was the hiatus of a happy state I was in --- all problems were behind me momentarily, and I was like overdosed with a happiness medication; I can die or better yet, live like it forever.”


Perhaps there is no unconquered corner in this world where illegal drugs, don’t exist. From the highly recognized suburbs to the dirtiest slams, drugs become the new ‘food’. It supplements the hungry and boosts the confidence of the weak. It leeches into the weakest of spirits and creates a stable habitat out of it… never wanting to leave. Its annihilating effects to mankind have accelerated the government and other agencies to frame an army of laws to battle it. But you see, drugs don’t choose people, it is people who must make the choice. The problem lies on the user and not how much amount of drugs are made available for consumption. The craving to ‘eat’ becomes the enemy.

But what if the enemy becomes the friend?

“I have found peace… peace with myself, with my surroundings --- the birds, wind, water, the sky. It’s as if heaven and earth is in harmony. Most importantly, I have become one with myself.”

From the few governing Elites, to the tilling rank-and-file employees, drugs become the most promising destructive weapon to counter political pressure and issues, homelessness, loneliness, starvation and the increasing rate of mortality. If God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to save us, oh dear God, weed has become more than enough! Many claimed that they have found salvation at the happiest 24-hours of their lives… being doped. Perhaps priests and bishops should start preaching about it.

People who use and are hooked with drugs are commonly classified as the ‘misunderstoods’ for the obvious reasons that no rational being would ever even entertain using it because, like firearms, they have destructive properties. Drugs can ignite war among countries if not properly distributed. Do you think the drug business has long been dead? You’re wrong because today, it becomes the lifeblood of this very nation. It has become the air that your children breathe and I wish I can tell you that you still can do something about it.

“I don’t think people truly understand the world… how beautiful it is. Such beautiful world welcomes me to another dimension – a paradise not everyone knows. I got settled with my little space in there, I keep going back… away from those who keep fucking it up. And I don’t want anyone to take my paradise away from me. I am home.”

With the continuing evolution of man and his adaptation to the world, processes were developed and technology comes to life. Everything becomes almost perfect --- man, separating from his savage state, capable of maneuvering things yet keeping his primordial instinct: survival. Except that man wants everything for himself just as when weed becomes the new law.

“The guilt was there, yes. But I have to do what my other friends were constantly doing. They say they have created a world they deserve to live… away from dickheads, from people who only care about what people should do and what not. I want a piece of the paradise they are caving in. I want it too; because I know I deserve it too.”

“Broken glass and plates, shuttered windows… a lot of broken things and a bleeding vein but I have to live with it because we are family. I have to witness how my mother was battered almost to death but I cannot leave because she was my mother after all. That is how you keep a family. You never leave anyone behind when they are at a state where they needed you the most. But you see, you have to have something that keeps your sanity. I phoned a friend whom I know has been using it for quite awhile now. He hurriedly went up my room and happily shared the moment of happiness with me. We laughed for no reason at all. The flashed faces of a happy family lingers in my thoughts… we were laughing, all of us. I kept that moment for myself until another domestic violence erupts. I don’t think there is nothing I cannot handle knowing I have created an easy escape for myself.”

“You ever think you’re smarter than me because you’re the one who’s paying for the groceries? Because you get paid higher than me? Because you get to keep up with the utilities of this house? Because you think I’m fucked up? Bitch, you married me like this! Deal with it and live with it!”

“Music… art… they make the whole world flat – that’s what my asshole boss told me. He seemed not to be contented with how I see art. Is he the one who holds the degree? Nobody decides what is beautiful or not when you talk about art!”

“Stop talking about God, motherf**ck*r!”

“I hear these voices… pushing me to do better despite the fact that I feel like doing my best already. No excuses, they say because I’m not paying off their efforts they’re pouring. I have to study, make good and graduate with flying colors. So that they get to the stage bragging some honor shit.”

”I need to stay up late… and secure the surroundings, because that’s what I’m supposed to do. Yes, I am a cop and I use it to do my job the way they expect me to do it. And I guess I do pretty well. I just got another badge you know. They must be proud.”

“She killed herself. No, drugs killed her. We knew she had been using it for quite some time. She had been acting weird; maybe a little confused. She was different from her other siblings. She locked herself in her room and sometimes we heard her laugh alone. She had a life of her own… away from us. Until that dreaded day we found her in her own room… lifeless. She left nothing, not even a note for us to know anything. She just left.”

“You call yourself a writer? And what? You want to extort a confession from me? Then what? The police will come and arrest me? Are you nuts?!”

“Mom! What is this fucked-up woman trying to ask me?!”

“I love listening to Afroman… I think they’re the coolest. Their music dragged me to the beach… where I always want to be. I feel like having the time of my life when I’m tuning in to their music. And don’t you think I tell you this because I’m no other than high myself?”

“I like doing it with my friends. They call it ‘pot’. I call it my own rehabilitation --- from the world. I smoke it, let the smoke gets into my lungs… puffed it all the way. I liked how it takes me to a different realm. I’m not sure what happens after but the next day, a chick kept calling our house looking for me!”

“I did it once, liked the effect, and I keep coming back for more.”

Plain and simple puff and everything gets inevitable. Tell me, what else stoned the world to its greatness?
True to the heart, do you think drugs killed your children? I don’t think so. Bridge the gap. Stop pestering about the laws against the use of it. Let the laws take care of those who were apprehended. Other than that, listen… try to listen from the heart and be open to what you are about to hear. People vary with their perception of beauty, art, music, work. To sum it up, the world.

Respect begets respect. Live not to inject, but to affect. 

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Too Early for Valentines Day

I could not remember the last time I had a sensible conversation with a man, until yesterday. I brutally asked him this question: So, why do guys cheat? In my defense, I honestly meant to rephrase that question to this: Do you have any idea why some people cheat from their spouses or partners? There, I could have gracefully throw that question at his face but of course, I have a bad habit of, let's say, surprising people with questions. But I think he truly understood what I meant. That night, my thirst for information from a guy's perspective was somehow quenched. 

He told me that there is no perfect relationship. I would have rolled my eyes right in front of him the moment he said that line. Cliche, isn't it? But, I was stopped from doing so upon hearing his next lines. According to him, a perfect relationship is comprised of an 80%-20% sharing. If a guy is committed to a woman, by that, he meant a guy to be in a relationship, assuming (on my behalf) that this refers to a love-based relationship, the 80% is being made up. But then again, since no relationship is perfect, there is always that 20% that is lacking and this 20% is workable in the relationship. This lacking percentage may be due to differences between two people, since no two people can ever be alike in their choice of movies, taste buds preferences, and the list of these disparities can go on, and on. But, as he said, these differences are way too light to weigh down the 80% that has already been made up the moment the woman said yes to the man. Sadly, however, not all people who are in this kind of relationship know how to reconcile their differences and compromise in order to achieve the 20%. As a result, either one of them will have to look for this 20% from other people, in this case, from the opposite sex and whoever finds first that other opposite sex who can fill in the 20%, is unfortunately the one to be branded as the cheater. 

Point well taken. But of course, you did not expect me to accept those facts right away, right? Not, especially when numbers are taken out from the air in that instant; not when someone is trying to establish a fact through estimates. So, my inquiries that night were like snapped from the air as well. I indulged myself and further asked: Didn't you guys know from the start what you truly signed up for? Seriously, I think it's a generally accepted fact that no relationship will ever be perfect, but that doesn't give you guys the pass to find what is lacking in that relationship from other people. It's not fair. 

I honestly believed that I have practiced vagueness in my line of questioning that night, so is my ability to come up with hasty generalizations. But of course, because I am the woman, he has given me much leeway to just go through babbling. And here I am trying to raise my defenses by trying to explain that what I truly meant by my question did not pinpoint to men only because even women are capable of cheating. I know you understand what I meant. 

He answered that question with a question. What about you? Do you (women) also truly know what you have signed up for, in the first place? No, let me rephrase that. Do you also understand what you have signed up for from the moment you said yes to a man? That is exactly the reason why there is a 20% workable percentage in a relationship. That kind of question maybe considered a part of it already. What does a man and a woman truly signed up for in a relationship? Let's see. We have, honesty, check; loyalty, check; faithfulness, check; but wait, have I mentioned respect, yet? There goes your 20%, baby. You have to work that out! 


Yes, he spelled that word at me. According to him, while either parties in the relationship are assuming that they have respect for each other the moment their eyes sparkle as they stare at each other, either of them failed to notice that this is the same element that they have been actually looking for from the relationship they have established. The 80% apparently is comprised of honesty, love, and fidelity. The 20% is shouting for respect. And what is there to respect for? Your differences. The common misconception most people conceived from engaging in any sort of relationship is that the attraction they developed for each other already tantamounts to love, and the moment they acknowledge that feeling, they seem to assume that all of what their person has to offer comes with it.

Apparently, not. 

You have to ask yourself. What got you attracted to the guy? Isn't it that you found him cute while he was eating with his bare hands? That you found it weird yet beautiful how he sang his throats out just to sing you your favorite song? That he opened your eyes to another dimension of this world by making you listen to his comic book stories when you could have finished your Kat Martin novel? That he shared his metallic songs in your iPod? These, my friend, are the disparities you failed to notice from the very beginning yet you forgot to take them into the relationship because you were drowned by your emotions. But the longer the relationship stays, the more these differences become vivid. You know why? Because these differences, spare the attraction, are the things you never signed up for should you have noticed them before you said your precious 'yes'. As these differences become crystal clear while you both are in the relationship, you start to develop your indifference with each other. You start throwing shit at each other. What do they call that again? Irreconcilable differences.

So, what happens to your 80% now? 

I butted in even before he can say his next sentence and answered, what actually happens to your acclaimed 80% is nothing, in the first place, there is no 80% established. You see, I don't believe that it is probable to even claim to have felt love in the relationship and claiming at the same time that you have a 20% respect that needs to be worked out for each other. It is absurd. Love is all-embracing. Honesty, Fidelity, Trust, and most especially, Respect. You don't say, I love you but wait, we need to work out on respect, baby. It doesn't work that way because women, while they, as you claimed, are drowning in the ocean of their emotions, have already embraced the totality of the person that you are the moment we say yes. Yes? Your 80%-20% is pure, bullshit. 

Guess what? He suddenly raised his goblet and said, "I rest my case. Cheers! But, err, can I stick with my 80%-20% sharing?"


Friday, October 26, 2012

How Many Have You Loved?

I totally love the lines, it blows me away. I don't really think it would be that hard for a guy to find the right and honest words for the girl that he loves. In all honesty, I don't even find the lines cheezy. I find it sweet and honest - just as how words should be. I mean, seriously, you don't have to pretend if you are sure that you are grounded with what you truly feel and whom you have chosen to feel it with. 


Tingko Beach Resort

Maybe in my past life, I was born with scales or a fish tail. There is always something in the ocean that draws me in - the promise of serenity, tranquility and a peace of mind and heart among others. The moment I step my bare feet on the sand, I feel like I'm home. There is no other place that can make me feel like I am with my inner at peace self than be at the beach. But of course, nothing beats the fun time you get while hanging at the beach than being with a good set of company!