Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Honesty is the Best Policy

It is definitely not the first time that I get to hear people telling me that I have this 'maldita' look, more like telling them to 'fuck off!'. Well, if you get that, perhaps, I meant to really relay that. And I don't want to say sorry for something that I am just being honest about. On the contrary, if I find you nice and really sensible, you will surely know because it's either I will approach you and fire up a conversation or, you'll get that rare smile I wear whenever we bump into each other (there!). But just so you know, it's not all the time that I smile at you that I like you already. Sometimes perhaps we happen to be on the same boat once and the next day I cannot just at least wave at you. You know, 'politically civil?' as I call it. But, that's just where it should be. So, just be happy that I waved at you, okay?

Frank, honesty and rudeness are three different things oftentimes taken negatively by people in whole. And I say this because I am not a rude person. If you are to me, that's a different story. Although I will not give you the satisfaction by going down to your level, but not all days are yours honey (and I'm definitely thinking my next move), you have to deal with me sooner. 

Okay, going back. I wonder what's with my face that I always tend to drive off people. Is it my brows? Do I need a new haircut? Or, stop wearing wedges? But, I just can't care about what you think right? Because regardless of what you do, this is me. You have to deal with it. I am a tamed person with the right degree of education, raised well by my parents. It's really up to you what you say behind my back and I can just always roll my eyes in front of you when you start blabbing about your shallow thoughts! (hihihihi)

Now, does being honest equate to being mean? I don't think so. I just say it and you just have to take it. You can't expect me to wear or carry around a metal mask to conceal my non-indulgence of your dolled up face and big air head all the time (and yes, I just said that). That's what I think and in as far as I respect you as a person, you must also respect what I think. So, do not dare ask me if you cannot take whatever that I will say after. I hope we are clear with that. 

Now that you know that evil part of me (as what you might probably be thinking about me right now), it's not that you have to screen your words every time you talk to me. You can always speak up. I want the unedited ones that you got. After all, it's still a democratic country! Freedom of speech! 

People are people as they say but there are people who act like animals and with that kind of behavior, I cannot just tolerate. Yes, I am intolerant with people with behavioral defects. For example, people who loves kissing asses (praising you, almost worshiping you because they need something from you). I can smile with what you said but c'mon, really? Even a fifth grader will figure out what you're doing! 

Also, just to stress out, I hate people who loves making lame excuses. Why can't you just say the real excuse men? Because sooner or later, I will just have to find out and that is a hell of a negative point for you dear. So, NO. Don't tell me your lola died when she's even drinking coffee with me! ha! 

Disclaimer: I am not complaining alright? I am just saying the truth. That's just how I am. I'm not asking you to be a friend but I can always welcome those who might just be on the same wave length with my sanity. 

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