Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The Power of Your Words.

I remember once upon a time when my parents told me about how important it is to keep your tact whenever you say words. As I came to my senses and reach the age of majority, the more I realize that keeping your words to yourself will only mean imprisoning your own thoughts. I am not saying that my parents were wrong; save the occasions that it's better for words to be left unspoken than get yourself broken for thinking out loud - these occasions come rare in so far as my existence is concerned. 

The people I met along the way are who, somehow gave me a fraction of life's clue. It's not all days that you need to be silent. In a world that we're living in, where judgmental eyes talk with the most provocative mouths, silence is not a good defense.

They say, the more you talk, the many mistakes you get. I say, if you talk shit, you'll definitely give life to trouble. 

So, where were we? Freedom of expression. 

Freedom of expression or I must say, the power of your words can resonate louder than the most powerful sound system and may even intimidate others to the point of making other people submit themselves to the intimidation (even without knowing it). 

In the past, I've been branded as a 'silent talker' - I speak with my silence. Don't dare ask if you're not up to hearing my answer. You might just get surprised! But truthfully, these comments are unadulterated. I say for what I see and I see, what I see. You have to deal with it. 

'Are you gay?', I remember asking this question one time to a marketing guy and it gave him sleepless nights. For the first time in his life, somebody dared ask him that - now, calculating perhaps his years of marriage and the number of kids he got. Well, I made my point. That mere question should not bother you in any way if, after all, you are too sure of your manhood. Oooops! I don't want to misconstrue myself. Perhaps, people take innocent questions, differently. 

I don't like wasting my words... I associate them to million tons of precious stones. I speak not of formulated lies just because you are my superior. Thus, words can defy the ages of time; save the right words for the seniors, but stand grounded and keep not yourself out of reasons. 

If you notice it, people who simply nod their heads to everything that you say are people who:
1. think the same way like you do;
2. whose got really nothing to say;
3. who wants you to shut up, thus, the non-interaction. 

I like argumentative people - those who speak up for reasons and not to quarrel. The more words spoken, the clearer you see their souls. Words, are perhaps too many to even define one, take note, I used 'define', not 'judge', a person's personality. 

Great poets of all times, prose writers, bloggers, novel writers and even those who simply love to scribble on crumpled sheets, are people who know how to liberate their words in the most intricate of ways. It's like catching a butterfly with an open palm. 

In summary, isn't it such a good feeling to juice out our brains and let loud those 'bullshit!' and 'motherfucking' words, sometimes? Now, that's more like it! Fuck off! :D

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